You can also setup notification to be triggered to e-mail or by text message (sms) but please note that the e-mail or text message will only contain a narrow summary of what has changed in a watchlist and not all the details. When you receive webhooks you will receive richer data that includes details about the changes.

We provide an API that can be used to create various webhooks. The same api is used to create notifications that be sent by e-mail or a text message to a mobile phone number. Each watchlist could contain multiple webhooks, called triggers, that contains the destination (URL, e-mail address or mobile phone number) and what changes should be notified.

Important information

Before the trigger is enabled is has to be confirmed and the following list described the three different destinations you can choose among.

Trigger with webhook (URL)

Will auto-confirm when the receiving URL returns a succesful status code. Will retry three times.

Trigger with e-mail address

An e-mail will be automatically sent to the address requiring the user to approve to receive notifications for the watchlist by clicking on the link in the e-mail.

Trigger with mobile phone number

A text message will be automatically sent to the mobile phone number to approve to receive notifications for the watchlist by clicking on the link in the text message.

Example creating a trigger with a webhook

The following example shows how you create a simple webhook for a watchlist you have created. The example will react on changes on address, annualreports, intelligence, representatives and status.

curl  \
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-api-key:your_api_key"
--data '
        "Destination": "",
        "DestinationType": "webhook",
        "Address": true,
        "AnnualReport": true,
        "Intelligence": true,
        "Representatives": true,
        "Status": true

The response will include the created trigger.

Response from creating a trigger with a webhook
  "teamWatchListTriggerId": 2,
  "destination": "",
  "destinationType": "webhook",
  "address": true,
  "annualReport": true,
  "intelligence": true,
  "representatives": true,
  "status": true,
  "hasBeenValidated": false,
  "lastMessageSentAtUtc": null,
  "lastUpdatedAtUtc": "2024-12-22T10:29:39.1746639Z"

A dummy notification will be sent to the destination URL with the following format.

Webhook post
    "teamWatchListMemberId": 0,
    "companyId": 1893055,
    "personId": null,
    "externalId": null,
    "hasChangedAddress": true,
    "hasChangedAnnualReport": false,
    "hasChangedIntelligence": false,
    "hasChangedRepresentatives": false,
    "hasChangedStatus": false,
    "hasChangedShareCapital": false,
    "hasChangedShareIssue": false,
    "hasChangedBonusIssue": false,
    "hasChangedConvertiblesWarrants": false,
    "hasChangedAuthorizations": false

Test triggers

You can test triggers that are configured as webhooks. This allows you to test your webhook flow.

Make an http post to the endpoint (replace 6 with your trigger id).

curl  \
--request POST
--header "Content-Type: application/json"
--header "x-api-key:your_api_key"

We will post a webhook with the data below were the hasChangedAddress has been set to true.

Webhook post to your endpoint
    "teamWatchListMemberId": 0,
    "companyId": 1893055,
    "personId": null,
    "externalId": null,
    "hasChangedAddress": true,
    "hasChangedAnnualReport": false,
    "hasChangedIntelligence": false,
    "hasChangedRepresentatives": false,
    "hasChangedStatus": false,
    "hasChangedShareCapital": false,
    "hasChangedShareIssue": false,
    "hasChangedBonusIssue": false,
    "hasChangedConvertiblesWarrants": false,
    "hasChangedAuthorizations": false