Graph Intelligence Solutions
A leap forward in combating financial crime with intuitive graph visualization
Use our lightning fast graph API to create stunning user-friendly and intuitive graph visualization for complex relationships in high-velocity environments. Tailored made for fraud and network risk detection.
Based on C++ graph databases we offer an API that runs an in-memory graph with low latency query times and employs graph algorithms to make sense of our rich datasets, find critical nodes and detect anomalies.
Compatible with the query language openCypher, the open source specification of query language Cypher® orginally developed by Neo4j, and Bolt protocol.
Fraud risk detection
Use our graph analytics to enhance fraud detection and analyze complex relations. Use ready to use REST endpoints or access our graph API by using Cypher queries.
With Cyper you are able to quickly find and visualize over 100 million nodes and over 50 million edges representing our large ecosystem of sources.
Example of company and persons and their relationships as both board members and beneficial owners.
Visualizations in the browser
Our API is compatible with all major visulization software such as:
How to get started
We have made a few simple steps showing how to integrate with our API and the visualization software Orb.
Create an html page
This short example is everything you need, just replace the your_api_key with your key and pick the company you want to analyze (the company id).
If you wish to use npm just install the Orb library by:
Apply styling
You can apply styling based on various nodes and edge properties. This example just illustrates how simple it is to set size, color and title of the nodes.