Our core datasets constitutes our core as a credit reference agency. We gather and process information continously every second. Industry datasets are combined with our core datasets to enrich data and offer much better tools for credit scoring, vendor and customer evaluation, prospecting and statistical data analysis.


TIC provides an easy to use search API based on Typesense lightning-fast search database.

Check out examples and documentation here.


An account groups togheter companies and persons and could technically be called a list. Each account could contain one or multiple users having access to the account.

Accounts are a great way to:

  • Group togheter vendors
  • Group togheter customers
  • Group togheter various lists of companies that you want to track

Each account could reference one or multiple companies and/or persons. An account could also contain a webhook to post event changes to the companies and/or persons in the account.


Each company contains a large number of current and historic records. Each stored in different entities and urls. When you search you will get an aggregate of certain records that are used for search purposes. but to get access to all historic records you need to access each endpoint.

Changes in for example in a company purpose is recorded under https://api.tic.io/datasets/companies/{companyId}/purpose with details when it was changed.