Gets intelligence records of the company by it’s id
This endpoint will return all historical and current intelligence records for a business. Intelligence records are part of our AI Anomaly Detection which highlights discrepancies in data and their significance.
Intelligence types
Intelligence records contains information about various discrepancies that we find in data. A record contains a score between 0 and 255 representing the significance of the discrepancy. If the score equals 0 is means it’s just for information while 255 means the discrepancy is very significant. Each intelligence record also comes with a human English text describing the discrepancy called intelligence.notes.
List of intelligence.companyIntelligenceType below in the table. Please note that while searching you need to enter the value (Int32) and not the name itself. Value 2,4 and 6 are unused currently. They may appear in search result currently just for testing.
Enum | Value | Description |
CreatedAsShelfCompany | 0 | The company was created as shelf company |
SuspectedForQuickLiquidation | 1 | The company was seems to be going into “quick liquidation” |
AffliatedWithArticle | 3 | The company is affiliated with one or multiple articles |
SuspectedAddress | 5 | The address has earlier been known |
PresentOnWarningList | 7 | The company is present on certain warning lists |
AnnualReportDiscrepancies | 8 | One or multiple annual reports contains discrepancies |
The intelligence.externalId is used to reference an id containing the origin of the intelligence record. If for example the intelligence record is of type: AnnualReportDiscrepancies (8) it means the external id represents the id of the annual report.
Intelligence subtypes
Certain intelligence types have subtypes to further describe what has been found. The intelligence.companyIntelligenceSubType is an enum text to make it easier to filter based on search.
List of subtypes. Please note you need to filter by string when using intelligence.companyIntelligenceSubType.
Enum | Description |
BS_MISMATCH | The balance sheet doesn’t balance |
AGM_TO_LATE | The annual general meeting was held to late |
AR_TO_LATE | The annual report was submitted to late |
AGM_WRONG_DATE | Suspected wrong date of annual general meeting date |
MISSING_MULTIYEAR | The multi-year overview is missing |
MISSING_CHANGEEQUITY | The table showing change of equity is missing |
WRONG_SIGNATUREDATE | Signature date (last signature) seems to be wrong |
WRONG_EQUITYASSETSRATIO | The given equity asset ratio doesn’t match the calculation |
MISSING_AUDITOR | The company is passing the thresholds requiring an auditor (check response for mandatory requirement) |
DUPLICATE | The annual report is a duplicate for another company |
NO_SHARECAPITAL | The balance sheet is missing share capital |
NEGATIVE_SHARECAPITAL | The balance sheet contains negative share capital |
NEGATIVE_ASSETS | The balance sheet total assets are negative |
MISSING_BS_ASSETS | Missing part of the balance sheet (assets) |
MISSING_BS_EQUITY | Missing part of the balance sheet (equity) |
MISSING_RS | Missing result sheet |
LIQUIDATION_REQUIRED | The company is subject to liquidation requirements |
WRONG_SHARECAPITAL | The share capital is wrong in the balance sheet |
MISSING_NUMBEREMPLOYEES | Missing number of employees but required |
TAX_PAID_LATE | Taxes have been paid late |
FORBIDDEN_LOAN | A forbidden loan exists |
BS_DISCOURGED | Auditor has discouraged the balance sheet |
BS_CONTROL | A control balance sheet exists |
TAX_AUDIT | A tax audit has been carried out |
SUM_INCORRECT | Various sum records are incorrect |
AUDITOR_REMARKS | Auditor remarks exists |
Check back continuously since we are adding more subtypes.
Response and example
This is an example response. Note that you are also getting a source url if it exists which enables you to grab the underlying data for intelligence record.
Path Parameters
The company id
, suspectedForQuickLiquidation
, couldBeFranchise
, affliatedWithArticle
, unknown
, suspectedAddress
, formerChecks
, presentOnWarningList
, annualReportDiscrepancies
, auditorResignation
, registration
, registerChanges
, penaltyFees
, beneficialOwner
, claims