Credit reference agencies typically uses fixed credit scoring models that are applied based on a set on instructions. Companies that files their annual report seven months after the year ended would typically take up to ten months before credit assesment is carried out by these agencies.

We, The Intelligence Company AB (publ), are changing the industry by providing an anomaly detection engine that looks at continous flow of data relating to a business or individual. Similar to network traffic in cybersecurity, changes surrounding a business triggers an anomaly detection to determine the impact of the change.

Abnormal or suspicious behaviors

Events that falls outside the normal range called devivations are collected and stored as intelligence metrics.

Early warning

A sudden change in data from previous behavior could signal increased risks. With us you receive early and accurate data.

Financial statement frauds

By combining AI intelligent document processing, IDP and anomaly detection we process financial statements and annual reports for businesses to identity risks and thereby offering credit scoring models that efficiently targets any discrepancies.

In our solution we describe we describe how the techniques are used to identity and score discrepancies.