Search in financial reports
Lightning fast and ultra modern search for management reports, audit report and financial reports
With our search in financial reports you can search by text and data within management reports, audit reports, financial reports including comments, foot notes and much more.
We provide an easy to use search API based on Typesense lightning-fast search database. That means that all features described in Typesense API version 27 is available in our API. Data is continously reindexed as new data arrives.
We today provide five rich search collections:
- Financial reports search (you are here)
- Company search
- Workplace search
- Bankruptcies
- Vehicles
Financial reports search
With our search in financial reports you can query (query_by) based on a number fields listed in the next chapter.
Examples on what you can query on:
- Information entered by the company in the financial report
- Management report
- Footnotes in financial reports
- Audit report
- Audit company
- Software used to produce the annual report
- Software used by the auditor to produce the audit letters
- Comments and notes from the company in the financial report
- Deviations / discrepancies in annual reports
The response model (schema) depends on your query and if you use faceting. If you do plain search we have added to our OpenAPI Schema the default response model.
OpenAPI Schema
Look for the model name TypesenseCompanyFinancialReportDocument in the schema definition.
Fields indexed
The following fields are currently indexed in memory. These can be used in the query_by parameter.
Why are certain fields in Swedish ? While we interpret and index documents there are both scanned reports and digital reports being in the format of iXBRL. For digital reports we try to keep the local name of the element close to the actual XBRL taxonomy. This makes it simpler to interpret the meaning of the fields and give them metadata.
Field | Type | Description |
companyId | Int32 | Our global internal company identifier |
companyName | String | The name in the financial report |
externalId | A id to the actual financial report | |
registrationNumber | Int64 | The local registration number in Sweden in Int64 format |
periodEnd | Int32 | The ending period in YYYYMM for the financial report in In32 |
ruleset | String | The rulset used e.g K2, K3, K4 according to local law |
formatDescription | String | Description of the formatting of the financial report |
caseNumber | Int32 | Casenumber without year at Bolagsverket / Swedish Company Registration Office |
caseYear | Int32 | Year when the case was registered at Bolagsverket / Swedish Company Registration Office |
netSalesK | Int32 | Net sales in thousands of the currency in the financial report |
numberOfEmployees | Int32 | Number of employees if available in the financial report |
balanceSheetTotalK | Int32 | Balance sheet total in thousands in the financial report |
otherText | String | Text in reports that cannot be attributed to a specific section will be indexed in this field |
auditorOtherText | String | Text found in audit reports that cannot be attributed to a specific section will be indexed in this field |
revisorNamn | String | Name of the auditor |
revisionsbolag | String | Name of the audit company |
allmantVerksamheten | String | General about the company as described in the financial report |
vasentligaHandelserRakenskapsaret | String | Significats events during the period |
verksamhetenArtInriktning | String | The nature described of the business |
viktigaForandringarVerksamheten | String | Important changes of the business |
viktigaExternaFaktorerPaverkatForetagetStallningResultat | String | Important changes that affects the result |
speciellaOmstandigheterBerorForetaget | String | Certain changes affecting the company |
uppgiftAgareMerAnTioProcentAndelarRoster | String | Information owners more than 10% of the votes |
komplementarKommanditbolag | String | Typically used as extra information |
komplemeOvrigaViktigaForhallandenVasentligaHandelserntarKommanditbolag | String | Typically used as extra information |
kommentarFlerarsoversikt | String | Comments multi-year overview |
forandringEgetKapitalKommentar | String | Comments changes in equity |
avskrivningarMateriellaAnlaggningstillgangarKommentar | String | Comments depreciations |
andelarKoncernforetagKommentar | String | Comments group relationship |
dispositionerVinstForlustKommentar | String | Disposition profit or loss |
foretagetsSate | String | Registered office, sometimes used for free-formatted information |
eventualForpliktelser | String | Obligations, check below has two different parts |
uppgiftModerforetag | String | Information about group company |
harNot | Bool | Has foot notes ? |
not.eventualForpliktelse | String | Obligations |
not.langfristigaSkulder | String | Long-term liabilities |
not.stalldaSakerhete | String | Securities |
not.tillgangarAvsattningarSkulder | String | Assets / liabilities |
not.ovrigaMateriellaAnlaggningstillgangar | String | NA |
not.andelarKoncernforetag | String | NA |
not.byggnaderMark | String | NA |
not.inventarierVerktygInstallationer | String | NA |
not.andelarIntresseforetagGemensamtStyrdaForetag | String | NA |
not.medelantaletAnstallda | String | NA |
not.andraLangfristigaFordringar | String | NA |
not.upplysningModerforetag | String | NA |
not.andraLangfristigaVardepappersinnehav | String | NA |
not.vasentligaHandelserRakenskapsaretsSlut | String | NA |
not.checkrakningskreditKommentar | String | NA |
harRevisor | bool | NA |
revisor.pateckningRevisionsberattelseEnligtStandardutformning | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningAnmarkning | String | NA |
revisor.ovrigaUpplysningar | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningRevisorAnsvar | String | NA |
revisor.grundUttalanden | String | NA |
revisor.styrelsenVerkstallandeDirektorAnsvar | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningGrundUttalanden | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningStyrelseVerkstallandeDirektorAnsvar | String | NA |
revisor.styrelsenAnsvar | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningStyrelseAnsvar | String | NA |
revisor.underskriftRevisionsberattelse | String | NA |
revisor.uttalanden | String | NA |
revisor.andraKravLagForfattningUttalanden | String | NA |
revisor.harPateckningRevisionsberattelseEnligtStandardutformning | String | NA |
revisor.harAndraKravLagForfattningAnmarkning | String | NA |
revisor.harGrundUttalanden | String | NA |
reportSoftwareMetaTag | String | NA |
reportSoftwareVersionMetaTag | String | NA |
reportApplicationName | String | NA |
reportAuditReportHashMetaTag | String | NA |
reportOriginatorMetaTag | String | NA |
reportAuditorMetaTag | String | NA |
auditorSoftwareMetaTag | String | NA |
auditorSoftwareVersionMetaTag | String | NA |
auditorApplicationName | String | NA |
auditorReportHashMetaTag | String | NA |
auditorOriginatorMetaTag | String | NA |
We have put togheter a few example of how you can use search in financial reports to easy find data.
Search for financial reports audited by a specific audit company
Search for financial reports produced by a specific Software
Search for financial reports with remarks (first)
There are multiple ways to search for remarks. One way is looking at the field: “andraKravLagForfattningAnmarkning”. Second example will show another way.
Search for financial reports with remarks (second)
There are multiple ways to search for remarks. This example look for words in the “grundUttalanden” containing the statements from the auditor.