Search for vehicles
Lightning fast and ultra modern search for vehicles
With our search for vehicles you can query by 197 fields relating to vehicles in Sweden.
We provide an easy to use search API based on Typesense lightning-fast search database. That means that all features described in Typesense API version 27 is available in our API. Data is continously reindexed as new data arrives.
We today provide five rich search collections:
- Vehicle search (you are here)
- Workplace search
- Company search
- Financial reports search
- Bankruptcies
Vehicles search
With our search for vehicles you can query (query_by) based on a number fields listed in the next chapter.
Examples on what you can query on:
- Manufacturer
- Licence plate
- Model
- Type
The response model (schema) depends on your query and if you use faceting. If you do plain search we have added to our OpenAPI Schema the default response model.
OpenAPI Schema
Look for the model name TypesenseTransportstyrelsenDocument in the schema definition.
Fields indexed
The following fields are currently indexed in memory. These can be used in the query_by and filter_by parameter.
Field | Type | Description |
fabric | StringArray | Fabric name |
vehicleClassDescription | String | |
vehicleTypeDescription | String | |
fuelCombination | String | |
colorHex | String | |
color | String | |
vehicleClassAndDescription | String | |
enginePowerHkAll | StringArray | |
electricVehicleConfigurationDescription | String | |
fuelCodeDescriptions | StringArray | |
areaOfUse | StringArray | |
couplings | StringArray | |
name | String | |
gearbox | String | |
manufacturingMonthDescription | String | |
licencePlate | String | |
deregistered | Int64 | |
deregisteredText | String | |
deregisteredCause | String | |
vehicleType | String | |
vehicleCategoryEU | String | |
vehicleName | String | |
tradeName | String | |
modelYear | Int32 | |
vehicleYear | Int32 | |
vin | String | |
fabricCode | String | |
modelNumber | String | |
groupNumber | String | |
manufacturingYearAndMonth | Int32 | |
manufactured | Int64 | |
reuseLicencePlate | Bool | |
registered | Int64 | |
vehicleClass | String | |
doodlebug | Bool | |
manufacturer | String | |
manfacturerBasicVehicle | String | |
numberOfOwners | Int32 | |
acquiredByOwner | Int64 | |
registrationType | String | |
status | String | |
statusDate | Int64 | |
statusCause | String | |
onLease | Bool | |
areaOfUse1 | String | |
areaOfUse2 | String | |
areaOfUse3 | String | |
areaOfUse4 | String | |
areaOfUse5 | String | |
insuranceType | String | |
onCredit | Bool | |
importer | String | |
originCode | String | |
originCause | String | |
preregistered | Int64 | |
earlierRegistration | Int64 | |
directImport | Bool | |
variety | String | |
version | String | |
type | String | |
bodyworkCode1 | String | |
bodyworkCode1 | String | |
bodyworkCodeAddition | String | |
busClass | String | |
numberOfPassengers | Int32 | |
numberOfSeats | Int32 | |
eeg | String | |
cylinderVolume | Int32 | |
gearbox | String | |
coupling1 | String | |
coupling2 | String | |
curbWeight | Int32 | |
weightInDrivingCondition | Int32 | |
totalWeight | Int32 | |
fuelCode1 | String | |
fuelCode2 | String | |
fuelCode3 | String | |
enginePowerHk1 | Int32 | |
enginePowerHk2 | Int32 | |
enginePowerHk3 | Int32 | |
enginePowerUnit1 | String | |
enginePowerUnit2 | String | |
enginePowerUnit3 | String | |
fuelCombination | String | |
fuelTankSize1 | Int32 | |
fuelTankSize2 | Int32 | |
fuelTankSize3 | Int32 | |
width | Int32 | |
length | Int32 | |
height | Int32 | |
maxTrailerWeightKg | Int32 | |
maxTrailerWeightB | Int32 | |
maxTrailerWeightBExtB | Int32 | |
maxWeightTrailer | Int32 | |
maxWeightUnbreakedTrailer | Int32 | |
maxTrailerSpeed | Float | |
maxLoadWeight | Int32 | |
fourWheelDrive | Bool | |
maximumPowerForElectricVehicle | Float | |
powerDuring30Minutes | Float | |
powerDuring15Minutes | Float | |
averagePayload | Float | |
workVehicle | Bool | |
environmentalClass | String | |
environmentalVehicle | String | |
environmentalClassEURO | String | |
emissionClass | String | |
superEnvironmentalVehicle | Bool | |
co2Driv1 | Float | |
co2Driv2 | Float | |
co2Driv3 | Float | |
consumption1 | Float | |
consumption2 | Float | |
consumption3 | Float | |
energyConsumption | Int32 | |
soundLevel1 | Int32 | |
soundLevel2 | Int32 | |
soundLevel3 | Int32 | |
consumptionWeightedMixed | Float | |
co2WeightedMixed | Float | |
wltp_C02Low1 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Low2 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Low3 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Med1 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Med2 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Med3 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02High1 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02High2 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02High3 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02ExtraHigh1 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02ExtraHigh2 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02ExtraHigh3 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Mixed1 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Mixed2 | Int32 | |
wltp_C02Mixed3 | Int32 | |
wltp_CO2Weighted1 | Int32 | |
wltp_CO2Weighted2 | Int32 | |
wltp_CO2Weighted3 | Int32 | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionLow1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionLow2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionLow3 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMed1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMed2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMed3 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionHigh1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionHigh2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionHigh3 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionExtraHigh1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionExtraHigh2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionExtraHigh3 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMixed1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMixed2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionMixed3 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionWeighted1 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionWeighted2 | Float | |
wltp_FuelConsumptionWeighted3 | Float | |
wltp_EnergyConsumption1 | Int32 | |
wltp_EnergyConsumption2 | Int32 | |
wltp_EnergyConsumption3 | Int32 | |
wltp_EnergyConsumptionWeighted1 | Int32 | |
wltp_EnergyConsumptionWeighted2 | Int32 | |
wltp_EnergyConsumptionWeighted3 | Int32 | |
wltp_Range1 | Int32 | |
wltp_Range2 | Int32 | |
wltp_RangeCity1 | Int32 | |
wltp_RangeCity2 | Int32 | |
wltp_CO2TypI_1 | Float | |
wltp_CO2TypI_2 | Float | |
wltp_CO2TypI_3 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCity1 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCity2 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCity3 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCountryRoad1 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCountryRoad2 | Float | |
nedc_FuelConsumptionCountryRoad3 | Float | |
nedc_Range | Int32 | |
eletricVehicleConfiguration | String | |
numberOfAxles | String | |
wheelbase1 | Int32 | |
wheelbase2 | Int32 | |
wheelbase3 | Int32 | |
tireDimensionFront | String | |
tireDimensionRear | String | |
rimDimensionFront | String | |
rimDimensionRear | String | |
doubleCommand | Bool | |
passengerAirbag | Bool | |
rallyVehicle | Bool | |
equipment1 | String | |
equipment2 | String | |
equipment3 | String | |
wheelbase1Miminum | Int32 | |
wheelbase2Miminum | Int32 | |
wheelbase3Miminum | Int32 | |
maxSpeed | Float | |
limitedSpeed | String | |
advancedBreakingsystemMC | String |
Types and mappings
Contains information about the status of the vehicle.
Type | Swedish | English |
AVST | Avställd | Decommissioned |
ITRAFIK | I trafik | In traffic |
AVREG | Avregistrerad | Deregistered |
Vehicle types
Contains information about the vehicle type (Swedish: fordonsslag).
Type | Swedish | English |
PB | Personbil | Passenger vehicle |
LB | Lastbil | Truck |
BUSS | Buss | Bus |
SLÄP | Släpvagn | Trailer |
TR | Traktor | Tractor |
MC | Motorcykel | Motorcycle |
MOPED | Moped klass I | Moped class I |
MRED | Motorredskap | Motorised work machine |
TGHJUL | Terränghjuling | ATV |
TGSNÖ | Snöskoter | Snowmobile |
TGV | Terrängvagn | All-terrain vehicle |
TGSL | Terrängsläp | Terrain trailer |
TGSK | Terrängsskoter | Terrain snowmobile |
Vehicle classes
Contains information about the vehicle class (Swedish: Fordonsslagsklass).
Type | Swedish | English |
a | Traktor a | Tractor a |
b | Traktor b | Tractor a |
I | klass I | class I |
II | klass II, husbil | class II, camper |
LÄTT | Lätt | Light-duty |
TUNG | Tung | Heavy-duty |
MRED1 | Motorredskap | Motorised work machine |
Fuel codes
Contains a description of the fuel types the vehicle support.
Code | Swedish | English |
1 | Bensin | Gasoline |
2 | Diesel | Diesel |
3 | El | Electricity |
4 | Fotogen | Kerosene |
6 | Gengas | Cell gas |
7 | Etanol | Ethanol |
9 | Motorgas | LPG |
16 | Metangas | Methane gas |
17 | Vätgas | Hydrogen gas |
18 | Annat | Other |
19 | Biodiesel | Biodiesel |
20 | CNG | CNG |
21 | LNG | LNG |
Fuel combination code
Contains a description of fuel combinations.
Code | Swedish | English |
B | Tvåbränsle | Bi-fuel |
D | Dubbelbränsle | Dual-fuel |
F | Flexbränsle | Flex fuel |
T | Trebränsle |
Gearbox codes
Contains a description of the gearbox of the vehicle.
Code | Swedish | English |
M | Manuell | Manual |
A | Automat | Automatic |
T | Manuell med tillsats | Manual with addon |
Z | Automat med tillsats | Automatic with addon |
V | Variomatic | Variomatic |
Coupling codes
Contains a description of the couplings available on the vehicle (Swedish: kopplingsanordning).
Code | Swedish | English |
1 | Kula | Trailer ball |
2 | Krok | Towing hook |
3 | Bygel | |
4 | Övrig | |
5 | Pivå / vändskiva | Turntable |
6 | Kulhandske | |
7 | Ögla | |
8 | Tapp | |
9 | Jordbruksdrag | |
10 | Demonterbar kula | |
11 | Annan |
Area of use codes
Contains a description of the areas of usage of the vehicle.
Code | Swedish | English |
11 | Godstrafik | Freight traffic |
12 | Taxitrafik | Taxi traffic |
13 | Busstrafik | Bus traffic |
14 | Linjetrafik | Regular traffic |
15 | Uthyrningsrörelse | Vehicle rental |
17 | Utryckningsfordon | Emergency vehicles |
18 | Trafikskola | Driving school |
19 | Ej yrkesmässig skolskjuts | School bus (non-professional) |
20 | Särskilt beslut | Per special decision |
21 | Taxitrafik (taxameterdispens) | Taxi traffic (exempted for meter) |
27 | Rallybil | Rally car |
Electric vehicle configuration
Contains a description of how the electric vehicle is configured.
Code | Swedish | English |
EL | Endast eldrift | |
Elhybrid | Hybridelfordon som inte är externt laddbara | |
Laddhybrid | Hybridelfordon som är externt laddbara | |
Elhybrid bränslecell | Hybridelfordon med bränslecell som inte är externt laddbara | |
Laddhybrid bränslecell | Hybridelfordon med bränslecell som är externt laddbara |
We have put togheter a few example of how you can use search for vehicles to easy find data. Please note the last example were we show how you include company information.
Search for a licence plate
Freetext search, for this case it may be better to use filter_by=licencePlate:=YXD972 instead of q=YXD972.
Search for vin
Search for vin (vehicle identification number).
Search for fabric
Searches for fabric, Volkswagen.