Search for bankruptcies
Lightning fast and ultra modern search for bankruptcies
With our search for bankruptcies you can search by text and data within bankruptcies and visualize bankruptcies over geographic areas and industries.
We provide an easy to use search API based on Typesense lightning-fast search database. That means that all features described in Typesense API version 27 is available in our API. Data is continously reindexed as new data arrives.
Search index is stored on RAM memory meaning requests to our search serves very fast and you can use it for search-as-you-type, autocomplete and other applications.
We today provide five rich search collections:
- Bankruptcies (you are here)
- Company search
- Workplace search
- Financial reports search
- Vehicles
Bankruptcies search
With our search you can query (query_by) based on a number fields listed in the next chapter.
Examples on what you can query on:
- Bankruptcies per day, week, month, year
- Bankruptcies per sector, industry type per SNI code
- Trustee
- Status
The response model (schema) depends on your query and if you use faceting. If you do plain search we have added to our OpenAPI Schema the default response model.
OpenAPI Schema
Look for the model name TypesenseCompanyBankruptcyDocument in the schema definition.
Bankruptcy status codes
Please note that filed applications have bankruptcyStatusCode 255. If a bankruptcy is commenced the status code would change to 20 (from 255). If the status code keeps being 255 it means that the application could have been withdrawn, still pending court decision or that the bankruptcy is not monitored by Swedish companies registration office. Therefore 255 doesn’t not mean that the proceedings have commenced.
These are the status codes that could appear in bankruptcyStatusCode:
Code | Swedish text | English text | Property for event date |
20 | Konkurs inledd | Bankruptcy proceedings commenced | initiatedDate |
21 | Konkurs avslutad | Bankruptcy proceedings terminated | terminatedDate |
22 | Konkurs avslutad med överskott | Bankruptcy terminated with surplus | terminatedDate |
24 | Konkurs upphävd av rätt | Bankruptcy repealed by court | repealedDate |
255 | Konkursansökan | Bankruptcy application filed | initiatedDate |
Fields indexed
The following fields are currently indexed in memory. These can be used in the query_by and filter_by parameter.
initiatedDate contains the date when the bankruptcy was commenced (status code 20). But in the event that the bankruptcy has not started it will represented the filed date at the court (status code 255).
Field | Type | Description |
companyId | Int32 | Our global internal company identifier |
companyName | String | The name in the financial report |
registrationNumber | String | The local registration number in Sweden |
legalEntityType | String | The legal entity type as appeared locally |
localCompanyCode | String | The local code for the legal entity type |
elfCode | String | An ISO code for the legal entity type (ISO 20275: Entity Legal Forms Code) |
registrationDate | Int64 | Unix epoch |
mostRecentPurpose | String | The company’s most recent purpose |
bankruptcyStatusCode | String | A status code for the bankruptcy |
sniCodes.sni_2007Name | String | SNI 2007 name |
sniCodes.sni_2007Code | String | SNI 2007 code |
courtCase | String | The case number at the court |
courtName | String | The name of the court |
courtCode | String | The code of the court |
courtEmail | String | The email address to the court |
initiatedBy | Int64 | Information and who applied to bankrupcty (from 2024 and onwards) |
initiatedDate | Int64 | Unix epoch |
terminatedDate | Int64 | Unix epoch when the bankruptcy was terminated |
repealedDate | Int64 | Unix epoch of the appeal date |
hasTrustee | Bool | Help flag if the trustee exists |
trusteeName | String | The email address to the court |
trusteeCO | String | The C/O of the trustee |
trusteeAddressStreet | String | The address to the trustee |
trusteeAddressPostalCode | String | The postalcode to the trustee |
trusteeAdddressCity | String | The city to to the trustee |
registeredOfficeMunicipality | String | The municipality name of the registered office (säte) |
registeredOfficeMunicipalityCode | String | The municipality code (4 characters) as specified by SCB |
registeredOfficeCounty | String | The county name (län) |
registeredOfficeCountyCode | String | The county code (2 characters) as specified by SCB | | String | C/O = care of address |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.street | String | Street name |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.houseNumber | String | The street number | | String | City |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.postalCode | String | Postal Code |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.location | GeoPoint | Allows geosearch |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.addressType | Int32 | 0 = mailAddress, 1 = visitingAddress, 2 = bothMailAndVisitingAddress |
mostRecentRegisteredAddress.countryCodeAlpha3 | String | Country code 3 char alpha |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.annualReportPeriod | Int32 | The endpoint report of the annual report in YYYYMM as Int32 |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.periodStart | Int64 | Start period epoch seconds |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.periodEnd | Int64 | End period epoch seconds |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.rs_NetSalesK | Int32 | Net sales in K (thousands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.rs_OtherOperatingIncomeK | Int32 | Other operating income in K (thousands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.rs_OperatingProfitOrLossK | Int32 | Operating profit or loss in K (thousands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.rs_SumFinancialItemsK | Int32 | Sum of financial items in K (thousands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.rs_ProfitAfterFinancialItemsK | Int32 | Profit after financial items in K (thousands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.bs_TotalAssetsK | Int32 | Total assets in balance sheet in K (thouands) |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.fn_NumberOfEmployees | Float | Number of employees with one decimal |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.km_OperatingMargin | Float | Operating margin with four decimals |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.km_NetProfitMargin | Float | Net profit margin with four decimals |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.km_EquityAssetsRatio | Float | Equity asset ratio with four decimals |
mostRecentFinancialSummary.km_GrossMargin | Float | Gross margin with four decimals | | String | Software used to generate the financial report (if known) |
applicationIfAny | String | Link to the application (from january 2024 and onwards) |
isPublicSectorVendor | Bool | If the company exists as a vendor to the public sector |
approxInvoicedToPublicSector2022 | Decimal | Approx value invoices by the vendor to the public sector 2022 |
approxInvoicedToPublicSector2023 | Decimal | Approx value invoices by the vendor to the public sector 2023 |
We have put togheter a few example of how you can use search in financial reports to easy find data.