With our search for workplaces you can search for business workplaces by street, city, postalcode, area (municipality, county), name, number of employees and it will deliver millions of records instantly. A workplace is a physical location were the business operate and each business could operate one or many workplaces. Each workplace has it’s own metadata and contains rich information about the operation at the location.

We provide an easy to use search API based on Typesense lightning-fast search database. That means that all features described in Typesense API version 27 is available in our API. Data is continously reindexed as new data arrives.

We today provide five rich search collections:

With our search for workplaces you can query (query_by) based on a number fields listed in the next chapter.

Examples on what you can query on:

  • Name of the workplace
  • Street, postalcode, city, municipality code, county code and much more
  • Companies that has ownership over the workplace
  • Industry codes relating to the workplace

The response model (schema) depends on your query and if you use faceting. If you do plain search we have added to our OpenAPI Schema the default response model.

OpenAPI Schema

Look for the model name TypesenseCompanyWorkplaceDocument in the schema definition.

Fields indexed

The following fields are currently indexed in memory. These can be used in the query_by and filter_by parameter.

companyWorkplaceIdInt32Our global internal workspace identifier
workplaceCodeInt32The local region workspace identifier, e.g in Sweden CFAR
workplaceCompanies.companyIdInt32Our global internal company identifier
workplaceCompanies.fromDateInt64If the workplace has been moved to company this will contain the Unix from time (epoch)
workplaceCompanies.toDateInt64If the workplace is longer present on the company this will contain the Unix to time (epoch)
workplaceCompanies.registrationNumberStringThe registrationnumber of the business
workplaceCompanies.mostRecentNameStringThe most recent legalname for the business
workplaceCompanies.legalEntityTypeStringThe legal entity type of the business
workplaceCompanies.localCompanyCodeStringThe local market abbreviated code
workplaceCompanies.elfCodeStringThe ISO Entity Legal Form code (ELF)
workplaceCompanies.registrationDateStringThe registration date (epoch) of the business
workplaceCompanies.ceasedDateInt64The business has ceased operation (epoch)
workplaceCompanies.isCeasedBoolFlag to indicate the business have ceased operation
workplaceUnits.companyIdInt32Each workplace can contain one or multiple sub-units owned by businesses (Swedish: arbetsställe)
workplaceUnits.unitIdentifierInt32The identifier for the unit (Swedish: arbetsställenummer)
workplaceUnits.firstSeenAtInt64The timestamp when we located the unit (epoch)
workplaceUnits.lastSeenAtInt64The timestamp when we located that the unit has disappeared (epoch)
workplaceTypeInt32The type of the workplace
workplaceTypeDescriptionSvStringThe description of the type (Swedish) of the workplace
employeesRangeTypeInt32The range of number of employees (interval)
employeesRangeTypeDescriptionSvStringThe description of the range (Swedish)
mostRecentVistingAddress.coStringC/O of the visiting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.streetAddressStringThe full street address of the visting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.streetStringStreet name of the visiting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.houseNumberStringHouse number of the visting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.houseLetterStringHouse letter of the visiting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.postalCodeStringPostal code of the visting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.cityStringCity of the visting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.countryCodeAlpha3StringCountry code (alpha 3) of the visting address
mostRecentVistingAddress.municipalityCodeStringThe municipality code (Swedish: kommunkod 4 chars)
mostRecentVistingAddress.countyCodeStringThe county code (Swedish: länskod 2 chars)
mostRecentVistingAddress.nykoStringThe subdivision code of the municipality
mostRecentVistingAddress.nykoYearStringThe origin year of the subdivision code
mostRecentVistingAddress.locationGeoPointThe latitude and longitude of the address
mostRecentVistingAddress.firstSeenAtStringThe timestamp when we located the visting address (epoch)
mostRecentMailingAddress.coStringC/O of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.streetAddressStringThe full street address of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.streetStringStreet name of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.houseNumberStringHouse number of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.houseLetterStringHouse letter of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.postalCodeStringPostal code of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.cityStringCity of the mailing address
mostRecentMailingAddress.countryCodeAlpha3StringCountry code (alpha 3) of the visting address
mostRecentMailingAddress.municipalityCodeStringThe municipality code (Swedish: kommunkod 4 chars)
mostRecentMailingAddress.countyCodeStringThe county code (Swedish: länskod 2 chars)
mostRecentMailingAddress.nykoStringThe subdivision code of the municipality
mostRecentMailingAddress.nykoYearStringThe origin year of the subdivision code
mostRecentMailingAddress.locationGeoPointThe latitude and longitude of the address
mostRecentMailingAddress.firstSeenAtStringThe timestamp when we located the mailing address (epoch)
sniCodes.firstSeenAtStringThe timestamp when we located the industry code (epoch)
sniCodes.sni_2007NameStringThe industry code of the workplace based on SNI 2007
sniCodes.sni_2007CodeStringThe name/description of the industry cod
sniCodes.rankStringThe rank (sequence number)
status.statusTypeStringThe status of the workplace
status.statusDescriptionStringThe description of the status of the workplace
status.statusDateStringThe date of the status (if it exists)


We have put togheter a few example of how you can use search for workplaces to easy find data.

Search for workplaces based on a freetext business name

Shows an example searching for workplaces controlled by the freetext business name, Bahnhof.

curl https://api.tic.io/search/company-workplaces/?q=bahnhof&query_by=workplaceCompanies.mostRecentName&key=your_api_key
	"facet_counts": [],
	"found": 16,
	"hits": [
			"document": {
				"companyWorkplaceId": 805670,
				"employeesRangeType": 4,
				"employeesRangeTypeDescriptionSv": "10-19 anställda",
				"id": "805670",
				"mostRecentMailingAddress": {
					"city": "Malmö",
					"firstSeenAt": 1726790400,
					"houseLetter": "B",
					"houseNumber": "15",
					"location": [
					"postalCode": "21141",
					"street": "Storgatan",
					"streetAddress": "Storgatan 15 B"
				"mostRecentVistingAddress": {
					"city": "Malmö",
					"countyCode": "12",
					"firstSeenAt": 1726790400,
					"houseLetter": "B",
					"houseNumber": "15",
					"location": [
					"municipalityCode": "1280",
					"nyko": "130110",
					"nykoYear": 2023,
					"postalCode": "21141",
					"street": "Storgatan",
					"streetAddress": "Storgatan 15 B"
				"sniCodes": [
						"rank": 1,
						"sni_2007Code": "63110",
						"sni_2007Name": "Databehandling, hosting o.d."
				"status": [
						"statusDate": 1415318400,
						"statusDescription": "Workplace is active",
						"statusType": "isActive"
				"workplaceCode": 55205868,
				"workplaceCompanies": [
						"companyId": 1893055,
						"elfCode": "XJHM",
						"isCeased": false,
						"legalEntityType": "Aktiebolag",
						"localCompanyCode": "AB",
						"mostRecentName": "Bahnhof AB (publ)",
						"registrationDate": 805680000,
						"registrationNumber": "5565199493"
				"workplaceName": [
						"firstSeenAt": 1726790400,
						"nameOrIdentifier": "SPARVEN 15"
				"workplaceType": 2,
				"workplaceTypeDescriptionSv": "Representerar ej JE",
				"workplaceUnits": [
						"companyId": 1893055,
						"firstSeenAt": 1734364731,
						"unitIdentifier": 9
			"highlight": {
				"workplaceCompanies": [
						"mostRecentName": {
							"matched_tokens": [
							"snippet": "<mark>Bahnhof</mark> AB (publ)"
			"highlights": [],
			"text_match": 578730123365187705,
			"text_match_info": {
				"best_field_score": "1108091338752",
				"best_field_weight": 15,
				"fields_matched": 1,
				"num_tokens_dropped": 0,
				"score": "578730123365187705",
				"tokens_matched": 1,
				"typo_prefix_score": 0
	"out_of": 1962201,
	"page": 1,
	"request_params": {
		"collection_name": "workplaces_20241228165159",
		"first_q": "bahnhof",
		"per_page": 10,
		"q": "bahnhof"
	"search_cutoff": false,
	"search_time_ms": 1

Search for workplaces on a specific street and city

You can search virtually on anything, here is an example search for all workplaces on the specific street, Tunnelgatan, in the city Stockholm.

curl https://api.tic.io/search/company-workplaces/?q=*&query_by=*&filter_by=mostRecentVistingAddress.city:='Stockholm'&&mostRecentVistingAddress.street:='Tunnelgatan'&key=your_api_key
    "facet_counts": [],
    "found": 12,
    "hits": [
            "document": {
                "companyWorkplaceId": 1779625,
                "employeesRangeType": 1,
                "employeesRangeTypeDescriptionSv": "0 anställda",
                "id": "1779625",
                "mostRecentMailingAddress": {

Search for workplaces with 5000 or more employees

You can also search for workplaces based on number of employees.

curl https://api.tic.io/search/company-workplaces/?q=*&query_by=*&filter_by=employeesRangeType:>=15&key=your_api_key
    "facet_counts": [],
    "found": 20,
    "hits": [
            "document": {
                "companyWorkplaceId": 369656,
                "employeesRangeType": 15,
                "employeesRangeTypeDescriptionSv": "5000-9999 anställda",

Search for all workplaces in a county

Search for all workplaces in a county is simple.

curl https://api.tic.io//search/company-workplaces/?q=*&query_by=*&filter_by=mostRecentVistingAddress.countyCode:='01'&key=your_api_key
    "facet_counts": [],
    "found": 504707,
    "hits": [
            "document": {
                "companyWorkplaceId": 1940000,
                "employeesRangeType": 1,
                "employeesRangeTypeDescriptionSv": "0 anställda",
                "id": "1940000",
                "mostRecentMailingAddress": {
                    "city": "Sigtuna",
                    "firstSeenAt": 1728864000,
                    "houseNumber": "8",
                    "location": [
                    "postalCode": "19332",
                    "street": "Tunvägen",
                    "streetAddress": "Tunvägen 8"