Financial summary
Gets financial summary of the company by it’s id
This endpoint will return a financial summary for the last four years. Properties are prefixed to give a sense where they are placed in the financial report. Table below shows the prefixes and description.
Prefix | Description |
rs | Resultsheet |
bs | Balancesheet |
fn | Footnote |
km | Key metrics |
Key metrics
The keymetrics are calculated according to the following table.
Prefix | Description |
km_OperatingMargin | EBIT (Operating profit/loss) divided by net sales |
km_NetProfitMargin | EBIE (Earnings Before Interest Expense) divided by net sales (NOTE ! if net sales isn’t present but other other operating income is reported we will instead use that for calculation) |
km_EquityAssetsRatio | Sum equity plus adjusted equity (sum untaxed reserves deducated with the corporate tax) divided by total assets |
km_GrossMargin | Gross profit/loss divided by net sales |
Changes to calulcation may occur since different actors are interpreting data slightly differently for km_NetProfitMargin. If there are no net sales or other operating income reported the km_NetProfitMargin will be null.
Go deeper
To access all records of the financial report you should use the endpoint for financial-reports that gives you a ready to use table structure with localized names for the financial report.
Path Parameters
The company id
200 - application/json